Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How open are you?

Openness, Transparency, Accountability All of these words are thrown around today. But How many people actually know what they mean? To me, this is what they mean

Openness - How much are you willing to share? What do you want everyone to know? Theses question determine somethings "openness"

Transparency - To be able to been seen through.

Accountability - A measure of being held responsible for your actions.

All three of these together, help feed collaboration, and help things like the Internet grow. An open system thrives, evolves, closed systems don't.

Google throws there weight at answering the "Meaning of openness"

Google on Openness

Our current Administration, whatever your opinion is about them, is trying to open up its policies, spendings and other going ons.

White House Open Blog

Right now I am working on a goal. That goal is to help work towards this idea of openness. I am working towards using only open source software and other tools in my daily life. I am freeing myself from the stagnation that is closed systems like Microsoft and the likes. I am trying to become more aware of what our government and other agencies are doing with my information. So please share with me, how open are you? What are you doing to help open our world?

‘Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.’ - Charles Kettering

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